In the Moment
Joyful Living, Shop GD Favourites Gemma Duck Joyful Living, Shop GD Favourites Gemma Duck

In the Moment

Inspired by Maya Angelou’s legacy, "In the Moment" is my personal letter sharing the joyous simplicities that form our lives. It's a reflection of my journey towards living more in the present, a testament to the beauty that surrounds us if only we take the time to look and truly see. From the laughter-filled play of children to the serene dance of nature, every moment holds a treasure trove of serenity and joy, if only we're present to uncover it.

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Elevate Your Easter
Shop GD Favourites Gemma Duck Shop GD Favourites Gemma Duck

Elevate Your Easter

Spring has sprung, and with it, the anticipation of Easter fills the air. For me, Easter is not just a holiday; it’s a celebration of renewal, family, and of course, a fantastic excuse to refresh our home decor. This year, I've scoured Amazon to find unique, pretty Easter decor items that perfectly blend the joy of the season with stylish hosting, dining, and Easter egg hunts. I’m thrilled to share my top 6 picks with you, all of which effortlessly enhance the Easter spirit while reflecting my personal lifestyle and aesthetic.

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